Monday, May 25, 2015

Renovated Water Feature! (May 19th)

Today Josh finished the pond in the courtyard. He worked very hard to seal the cracks, install an new filter and water pump, and to make sure it was safe for use. Here is a video of him explaining the pond.

In the morning (2nd mod) I began to dig up day lilies and thistles to create a space to move the cold frame on the other side of the courtyard.  We are planing on dumping a few bags of fresh manure in each of the cold frames to "liven" up the soila and begin to plant a variety of pumpkin plants in the cold frame. 

We are spray painting our tomato cages red, to keep with the theme of NHS, and growing a large amount of tomato plants to make a number of different food items such as salsa, ketchup, and fresh salads.

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